Smashed Pink Can

Sabtu, 22 April 2017

Tugas 2 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis2

Conversation (Modal Aux)

Amiriah           : Hi, girls. Whats up?
Okta                : Not good enough, im very tired
Tika                 :Will you go to our team practice today?
Okta                : No, I can't. I'm very busy on MAPA Gunadarma
Amiriah           : But we are in the same team, aren't we?
Tika                 : Of course
Amiriah           : Please Okta, why don't you come with us?
Tika                 : As always,you never join us. Just MAPA  and MAPA in your mind.
Okta                : Ya, I've tell you girls that i can't. I have to do so many things there
Tika                 : Come on. If you don't come with us you must be playing at sekretariat MAPA
Okta                : No. No. Seriously im on duty there
Amiriah           : How about a meal for free, would you still?
Okta                : Ahh, you give me bad idea
Tika                 : You may not get any sweets if you don't go
Okta                : Hmm I don't care! I'd rather do my duty.
Tika                 : Are you kidding me? You ignore this deal?
Okta                : I'm sorry girls
Tika                 : Fine! Let's get going Ami the minibus should have arrived by now.

Amiriah           : Okay, bye stubborn.